Friday, June 26, 2015

Help for Anyone With ADHD

Anyone with ADD/ADHD understands how hard life can be. We are living in a body that we know had potential. We understand the greatness within us. However, we are living in a world that sees us as broken. They see us as disabled. This can be a very scary situation, especially for someone newly diagnosed. This presentation via Slide Share was authored by the staff at What is ADHD HQ. It outlines 10 things that anyone with ADD/ADHD should know. It is a great ADD/ADHD resource for anyone wanting to know more about this condition.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Top 3 Adult ADHD Books Infographic

I have come to love infographics. It is probably because graphics really work for my ADHD. I also am a great advocate of personal education about ADHD. Education allows us to see past the challenges of our symptoms. It helps us to see that there are many benefits of ADHD. If we harness these benefits then we can achieve more then we think possible. It is what has propelled people like Richard Branson and Bill Gates to greatness. This infographic describes the top 3 books for adult ADHD. This image is via What is ADHD HQ.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

How Diet Changes Can Help ADHD

Have you wondered if medication is the only thing that helps ADHD? Are those stimulants as much help as you can hope for? Well, medicine and counseling are two great therapies. However, they are not the only thing that helps ADHD. Changing your diet can also help your ADHD symptoms.

I recently wrote an article on that explains all about how dietary changes helps ADHD. In it I explained which foods can actually make your symptoms worse. I also discussed which ones help. This includes changes such as:
  • Staying away from caffeine
  • Eat balanced meals
  • Use supplements to fill deficiencies
  • Eliminate food one at a time
  • Keep educating yourself
These changes can greatly help alleviate ADHD symptoms. You can view the complete article at

Saturday, June 20, 2015

How to help your ADHD kids in school

School can be difficult for children with ADHD. You want them to do their best and succeed. However, their ADHD symptoms can make it difficult. Then there is the fighting at home. All you want is the best for them. Can't they see that? This presentation shows you how to help your ADHD child with school and get more peace at home.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Where to find ADHD resources

Whether you have ADHD or your child does, educating yourself about ADHD is critical. It is difficult if not impossible to harness your full potential until you understand what is going on in your mind. If trying to help your child then you need to understand what they are going through. This takes some research. There are hundreds of websites and blogs dedicated to ADHD. So how do you know which ones have the best information. You don't have hours to spend searching the web for the best ones. You don't have to. Head on over to What is ADHD HQ. This website has posted 100 ADHD Resources and Blogs Your Should Follow and Read. It lists 100 of the best resources on the internet.